View Full Version : Messier wins case

08-03-2012, 09:50 PM
Messier get $6 mil from Canucks...during his tenure with van, he did nothing but deflate the team, he thought he was the cats ass, yep he was, him and Keenan got us nowhere..personally I wouldn't give him $5 bucks, and that includes Keenan also............................

08-04-2012, 01:39 AM
Messier get $6 mil from Canucks...during his tenure with van, he did nothing but deflate the team, he thought he was the cats ass, yep he was, him and Keenan got us nowhere..personally I wouldn't give him $5 bucks, and that includes Keenan also............................

What a joke!! Messier should return that money to the fans who paid money to watch him play hockey because all he did was stink up the place with his crappy play.