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Thread: New guide draft - part 1

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    Default New guide draft - part 1

    OCT 16 / 2012
    Nano Premium Out of Box Setup Gumby77

    Here’s how to take a Nano Premium from out of the box to a working paid subscription service step by step.

    Open the box – Take it out

    Hook it up ! - Power In
    - Ethernet
    - Video out
    - LNB Input

    Once you have it all plugged in and you KNOW the dish has a decent signal and you KNOIW what birds you’re looking at
    you can start the programming and setup of the Nano. In my case I have a 48” inch dish looking at 110 and 119 the most common birds, (yep, there’s a whole section on how to setup a dish but someone else can write it) so that ‘s what this walk thru will be for.

    Get the box powered up and to the point that you can see the menu system on the screen. Once you’re there and you have it setup and you can see some stuff on the screen we’ll do the first bit of programming – that takes it from “whatever” a new state if it’s out of the box or maybe your receiver is a used box – this is step one to the factory load.

    The first file you’ll want to D/L from one of the sites is called (in my case) NPP_9.14_Factory.NPP now it’ll change as the date of this how to get’s stale but jump on the sites and head for the files section and you’ll probably find what you’re looking for. (if not ask – I know people hate that, but it’s just a question)

    Here we go:


    - Open the front door of the Nano and plugged in the USB key ….. that should auto launch a menu called USB.

    - Using the remotes circle shaped arrow keys and the OK button, navigate to the file you want

    - Select it to the point where the file is highlighted in blue and hit OK.

    - A menu pops up and it says “Select update mode” in this case for my file I only have the option in the
    yellow box that says “ Boot Loader Upgrade” once you have it hit OK. If you get choices then scroll down
    with the arrow key on the remote and highlight the one labeled “Boot Loader Upgrade” in yellow.

    - You’ll then see the file start to load – You’ll see a dialogue box that says “B/L Update”

    - In that box, you’ll get two progress bars – one called USB reading and one called Flash write the bars will go from black to pink when the read/write process is OK.

    - The box will then re-boot and you’ll see that on the front of the boxes display.

    - Once it’s back up, you should get a menu choice for the language – that says “Select language”

    - Since I’m a hoser, eh ….. I’ll pick English.

    - I’m now at the main menu screen of my factory setup Nano Premium FTA Reciever.

    - Now we start round two and another session of programming. This runs the box from the “factory” state to the SKY file you need for your subscription to work.

    - So the USB key is probably still in the receiver so let sgo back to the USB menu and grab the next file, this is done
    with the remote and the same arrow keys, go down four places to the menu on the left called” Utility” then once you’re there, use the right arrow button to go over to USB on the right hand side.

    - You’re now back where you were before in the USB menu of the sat box.

    - Find the next fiel you’ll want to load – again, the one I have right now as of this date: Oct 19/2012 is called
    SKY_1.12 , and no I don’t know what these file are just the names of them.

    - Find and highlight the file you want (Sky1.12) again in blue and then hit OK when ready, you’ll get the same flash read and write programming stuff that you saw the first time. Again my only option was to update the
    one called “Boot Loader Upgrade”

    - Again when it’s finished you’ll see the receiver re-boot it’s self and the display goes from a 0 to the “Rebooting in 3 secs” screen then to C108 and then to the word “boot” and then back to 0 when it’s done.

    - Now I’m back at the USB menu again – I’m now power cycling the sat receiver and I’ll pull out the USB key before I turn it back on again- prob don’t need to but WTF.

    - So I’ve now added the two programs that I need to put in the receiver to make it work – now what?

    - On the unit I’m a still at the main memu screen and now at this point I’m doing what the kids say is a factory default – which I think is just a reset to get rid of crappy settings that should not be in there.

    - On the menu screen go down to the field called “Utility” again, then right arrow over to System Info and go down to the field called “Factory Default” when in there you’ll get asked for a password – it’s the default one of: 0000 – once in it says: “ All channel will be deleted – all TP data will be initialized and – Are you sure to load factory default – why HELL YEA ! - Hit OK!

    - You’ll see “Default Data Load = OK” and then you get tossed back to the pick a language screen again.
    (I’m still going for English)

    - Once done you’re back to the default menu.

    - So ! Now I wanna go find some birdies …. Or to get technical add the satellites that I want to look at and setup my receiver for them.

    - look for PART 2
    Last edited by torpainter; 10-20-2012 at 02:30 AM. Reason: removed unneeded comments

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    setup can be explained in under 20

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    Quote Originally Posted by dishuser View Post
    setup can be explained in under 20
    Some of us are not that bright...Heheheheheeeee..

    The only thing I am afraid of is what I am capable of

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    Quote Originally Posted by Condor View Post
    Some of us are not that bright...Heheheheheeeee..
    I refuse to comment on the grounds I may incriminate someone...ROFLMAO

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    I know guys ..... just trying to help .... its a bit of a bastard when you are doing it for the first time and you're an idiot (looks in mirror- grin)

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