Originally Posted by steven charles friend you can get a xfta-router to connect to the internet,its around 40 bucks,just google xfta-official.... They are twice as much as you say.
Originally Posted by tubbs They are twice as much as you say. no they're not Code: http://ca.sale-fire.com/X%20Fta%20Router?p=gcb&gclid=CKDHhIuTrrwCFY8-Mgodf1wAkg
DODGE the father RAM the daughter “Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.”
cw800 iks still up? got mine out of the closet and wanna play with it...
Some channels r up. If it can't get the mpeg4, then not much use on sat 110, but 119 will still work, for now. Good luck
Originally Posted by buddy b Some channels r up. If it can't get the mpeg4, then not much use on sat 110, but 119 will still work, for now. Good luck OK, thanks for letting me know...ordered dongle and remote for mine, oh well...
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