I have a friends box and he dose'nt remember his password is there a master password that will over ride the pass he can't remember ? thanks.2580 and 1250 do not work.
I have a friends box and he dose'nt remember his password is there a master password that will over ride the pass he can't remember ? thanks.2580 and 1250 do not work.
Last edited by kijiji; 06-11-2013 at 03:17 PM.
Please do not PM Me with questions
Post them in the forums so others may learn and benefit from your experience.
Master pass for menu is 2580, but i don't believe there is a master pass for net application.
thanks 2580 will not let me into the menu.
Please do not PM Me with questions
Post them in the forums so others may learn and benefit from your experience.
Just for the heck of it did you try 0000?
If 2580 does not work then you will have to load the latest factory file then latest file.
For the future....http://www.satfix.net/showthread.php...-Password-List