Hi I am scanning my friends box and when I scan nfl channels are going in the radio side not the channel side
Is there a fix for that. Thanks
Hi I am scanning my friends box and when I scan nfl channels are going in the radio side not the channel side
Is there a fix for that. Thanks
Okay thanks
No there still in the radio side
And even the nfl is in the radio side and when I push info to see who is playing and in the info it says 2011 Houston and the other time
Can I more nfl channels from radio side and put them on the channels side
Really need help
like to know if this is a good setting
satzen 2.31
ldr 1:12 (0908
hw ir 1.0 ir-200-83
drive 1.00
please can someone check this for me thanks
When you set up the channels you want to scan put ALL channels. TV and Radio. This is done in the satelite scan section.
i did that still not working