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Thread: Hoiw to share satellite TV inside my house?

  1. #1
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    Question Hoiw to share satellite TV inside my house?

    I am a DN customer and have a card. I can connect only 2 TVs in my house. I am interesting on how to share the TV service to total of 4 TVs. I have nFusions and I am OK if I need to purchase another hardware. I have worked with Nagara2 and IKS before and know basic ideas and how it should work.

    So, how to set the DM500HD to be a server and share the card I have? Is it possible? Can I use a computer (Linux/Windows server) instead?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Not sure if there is a lot of info about that on this site, tends to be a topic better covered at EU sites. As I understand it, you can insert the card in the DM500HD with a card extender and that card extender has the comms rerouted to send and receive info from a computer for the card. Or you can pull the card from the box and run it from a PC with a card interface. The PC runs a server program in either case to allow clients to use the card to decrypt ecm packets. The PC will need the box info to decrypt the comms for the card (not something that I've investigated in anyway so I'm pretty vague here). The PC program has a name like OSCAM or CCCAM. In the past cards being used in this way were targeted by the prov so as I understand it, the card can be killed if used for IKS--another thing that I have not looked at in detail because I don't do IKS in any way.

    Perhaps a better way to do a house wide system would be to export only the active channel CWs from the receivers--that limits what other TVs could view. Or stream the output from your existing boxes to other TVs around the house again you would be limited to the active channels you could get from the boxes. Doesn't DN offer streaming to any device?--I would think that you could use their existing offerings in a legal way.

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    You could go with their joey/hopper system.

    It's much safer then IKS or card sharing.
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  4. #4
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    I do not have a hopper. My receiver does not support the network streaming.
    Both TVs are connected to the single receiver. I have 2 remote controls only.

    This is OK if I am limited to the channels I have subscribed. I do not want to have any others. I know the idea of how IKS works. I would like to find a manual that tells me how to set it up. How to get BoxId, Card Key, how to install custom firmware etc...

    Thank you!

  5. #5
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    Sorry, but we can't give you information on how to hack into your existing Dish receivers, you will have to ask elsewhere.

    You can always get a second Dish receiver this will give you 4 TV's,(2 on each receiver) it's much cheaper then getting a letter in the mail from Dish.
    ♫♫♫ I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK ♫♫♫ I drink all night and sleep all day. ♫♫♫

    Coming soon to a crop circle near you.....

    There is a 66 and third % chance that I'm on the right planet...

    "I'm happier then a Jackalope in a balloon factory"

    "First rule of testing satellites"
    "If its working fine now, then don't mess with it"

    "Second rule of testing satellites"
    "If you did mess with it, and now it doesn't work, can you blame someone else?"

    "Third rule of testing satellites"
    "If you did mess with it, and it doesn't work now, and you can't blame someone else"
    "Can you HIDE it"?

  6. #6
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    can you tell me how to use the DreamBox 500HD as an additional receiver?

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