The box just stopped working. It turns on with basic function but no sat. Does this mean it is dead> I have had good success for the last
3 yrs. Anyone can help if it happened to any one like this.
I appreciate
The box just stopped working. It turns on with basic function but no sat. Does this mean it is dead> I have had good success for the last
3 yrs. Anyone can help if it happened to any one like this.
I appreciate
What do you mean no sat? Are you getting signal from your dish? If not your switch could be bad or a bad lnb. Try running a direct line from dish to box bypassing the switch. If you have signal/picture then your switch is bad and needs replacement. If you don't have signal then check to make sure your dish is secure and has not moved out of alignment. If that is OK check cable ends for corrosion and damage as well as water or ice. If that looks OK then try a new lnb.
Check the above and let us know your findings.
Thank you Anubis,
I tried y connection to other sat T6 and the other I-link 9800. The T6 working fine but not I-Link.
I opened it up check HD by removing and installing back. No Sat. no signal. I switched connection cable from t6 to I-Link
No signal.
I heard some of the bins will take down the signal. I installed 31Jul2014 V338 bin. I wonder if I install other bins.
I don't know what else I can do.
Do get picture on channel 9421? If you do then your HD card is good. If you don't then the card itself may be bad. You can try another file but if the latest one is working and others have not had issues then I would lean towards the tuner card.
thank you
I am leaning towards looking another box. It looks like dead not bringing any sat.
It's your call but replacing a tuner is a lot cheaper than buying a new box I believe.
how can I replace the tuner who carry the parts I never thought it is replaceable
I appreciate your help. I will google it see what I can find
The tuner card/module is what you are calling HD. You can get one here...Code:
thank you Anubis for the link
No problem. Let us know how you make out.