trying to set up pro for rtp but I don't know where to find factory files can somebody help.
trying to set up pro for rtp but I don't know where to find factory files can somebody help.
Do a Google'll be surprised at what you'll find!
ya thanks I don't need the ceaner I need factory files to set up for rtp.Help thanks.
the notes say it leaves it in factory state so that would be the same,no?
what the heck is rtp? The only good a pro is for is Free to Air only......
are you trying to get RTP on 97 west?
yes;I need a website address for viresat pro factory bin and loader.I need to load bin using serial cable or usb.
I will try that thinks;but I can't try it with out the loader.would you be able to help me with that too.thanks a lot thanks.
Just go into the menu and find sat in the list at 97 degrees west, what ever it's name happens to be. Then find or add transponder;
frequency= 12060
SR = 22000
FEC = 3/4
Make sure the LNB is set to 10750. Then scan the TP with network search off.
Last edited by jets; 05-31-2016 at 03:16 AM.
first of all think you for the effort,I know how to do all that but it's a knew receiver there's no menu there's nothing, that's why I need the loader.I got the factort bin,somebody nobodyspecial got the bin for me thanks there must have been the loader there too.I like to know where I looked all over the place.again thank you.
The loader is right here. Try it.