Hello All
Been a very long time since I have been here and posted.
I was wondering if I had the bev dek numbers what else would I need?
Thanks all.
Hello All
Been a very long time since I have been here and posted.
I was wondering if I had the bev dek numbers what else would I need?
Thanks all.
a bev server loggin
a dish pointed at bev and a good scan lol
internet to box
I have the last 2
the bev server loggin?
I have access to a bev sub so what should I be looking for on what screens?
every thing works off private servers now days you need a fta receiver that will work with IKS private servers then you sent a PM to a re-seller fore bev and purchase a subscription . he will send you all the info you need to enter into your receiver , all this server stuff is done by private message only
PLEASE Do NOT PM me for support! Post ALL Support questions in the forums for all members to benefit.