I got 405 by doing a scan of H and V by themselves
The jynxbox is one that seems to be Trying to lock-on to Transponder, when it can't it tends to SKIP over them
That's why you have to do Multiple scans with it to try and snag some channels Just like the NOOF Said
When I do a Sat scan (say 91) I turn "OFF" The LNB power to 82 so to eliminate any possible Cross talk between Sat's
or between a switch if one is being used etc. Even better hook up Direct when doing scans.
Last edited by auggie; 12-24-2024 at 07:49 PM.
Just a question on the Jynxbox What does the timeshift on purpose setting do and what settings should I use Having problems recording more than one show at a time
Server connected but....all down for me
Down Down Down , been for some time now.
Up Up and away. All good now. Thanks !
had it on new years, can't get sportsnet west for the game tonight. can confirm other channels coming in