gunsmoke2,why dont't you give GoldTv credit for still operating and giving us a service we can afford! The big 3 are the crooks!
What they have succeeded in doing is having their business cut off, their customers I assume will be affected, forced a Court to set a new precedent of forcing IPS to block traffic, have upset customers of the ISP who feel their service they pay for should be not infringed.
Everyone loses in this situation except the Plaintiffs who now have a new weapon other Courts will follow if requested. I blame GoldTv for all of this. It does not mean I side with Providers or anything. My opinion is just an legal one not a as a lawyer since I am not one, just from a layman on what it seems to me. I did not see that the Court had another option nor did I think they look kindly to their injunction orders being blatantly ignored.
As I just wrote my opinion is that mostly of a legal one based on the Court decision, losers, and winners, why I think the Court ruled the way they did and who I felt was the cause of it.
I am never going to be the one to be popular because I decided a long time ago to say it as I feel it regardless of the negative reactions. I have been around on sites one of the longest starting in 1998 when they first started. I have seen this play out over and over. You say why not give them credit for operating and giving you a service you can afford. That is great. I give them credit. So now I asked you then, so where is the problem? Are you happy with the service they currently provide? and do you anticipate it will continue? and if they were to be identified and their customer records were to be seized and end users received demand letters to pay a large amount or else, you being one of them would you be happy about that?
no need VPN, for me same old URL works, just change DNS to 8, 8, 8 ,8
there is several IPTV providers that will not let you use a VPN which is crazy as hell! Radiosity is one of them.
I read Tech Savvey is appealing it.
They are appealing it mostly that the order infringes on Canadians' freedom of speech being the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Now the Charter is absolute but there are exceptions.
Again my opinion is merely an legal one not as a lawyer but base on whatever I have seen from before. Doesn't mean I am right or doesn't mean that is what I want.
I do not think the appeal will be successful on those grounds maybe on other grounds they are putting forth. I have never seen The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms extend to a Piracy or Copyright site or any illegal activity. I understand the argument that the internet user is being restricted thus their rights are being infringed but correct me if I am wrong or have it wrong, I understand they are being blocked from reaching this one site only. And if that is the case I think the appeal is asking the Court to give way to Rights and Freedoms to access an illegal site offering Copyright material that they are not legally allowed to offer. On that basis I can see the appeal failing but in Court you never know.
I don't know but I think TekSavvy has a pretty good argument
even the CRTC rejected the idea of forcing ISPs to block the content