Been a while.
When loading ROM files to 360 Premier, what order do you go.
1) Factory File
2) System Clean File
3) BIN File
1) System Clean File
2) Factory File
3) BIN File
And do you restart receiver after every file?
Been a while.
When loading ROM files to 360 Premier, what order do you go.
1) Factory File
2) System Clean File
3) BIN File
1) System Clean File
2) Factory File
3) BIN File
And do you restart receiver after every file?
The 360 prem. won't get you Much of Anything (91 at best)
I have been using it for BEV 91, but something went wrong and I have lost a bunch of channels. So I decided to try and reload the files. My SV8000HD is still working fine for 82 and 91.
Some maybe, but I have lost at least half the channels and they are working on the 8000HD.
Back to original question. I just (30 minutes ago) picked up another used 360 Premier. What order should I load the files on this new/used receiver?
first i would hook it up and see what version of software & such is on it currantly, (make a note of it)
You should only need to load the Latest Bin File with a hard shut down/reboot (back switch) and you should be Golden
just make sure the dongle/IHUB is not hooked up if you are using/loading the system clean file, it has been
Known to Brick it etc.
All good. I am up and fully running with the new/used Sonicview 360 Premier. Thank you all.