Hello and thank you in advance.
I have been out of the loop for over 15yrs, my last receiver was a Pansat2500a (I still have it) , which was in working order when I stopped due to moving where I could not put up my dish, and now that I am able to put it up at my new house I wanted to get back into tinkering into this hobby again, so I am not sure what type of receiver I should get? I believe I have a 39" dish with motor. I know a lot of things have changed and not sure what the receiver requirements are now. I would like to be able to load Bins to it (i think that's what is was called back in the day LOL).
I know that I am a little bit rusty and live in north America So I know which sats are for North America.
I am not looking to spend tons of money but I want a good quality and easy to use, more than one option would be good to pick from.
Thank you again for your help.