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Thread: Nokia Fastmile 5G

  1. #1
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    Default Nokia Fastmile 5G

    Anyone have any experience with the Nokia 5G
    Just trying to understand it
    I'm not very tech when it comes to this sort of stuff
    I need someone more tech smart than myself to explain it in simple terms
    Is it internet or just WiFi?
    Any advice would be appreciated

  2. #2
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Gift received at 12-23-2012, 09:06 AM from ICEMAN
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    It is a cellular router/hotspot using the 5G platform, it connects you to the cellular internet service (what ever you have subscribed to) and then uses WIFI to connect your devices like a TV or computer/laptop to that service.

    It is also called a gateway.
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    "First rule of testing satellites"
    "If its working fine now, then don't mess with it"

    "Second rule of testing satellites"
    "If you did mess with it, and now it doesn't work, can you blame someone else?"

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terryl View Post
    It is a cellular router/hotspot using the 5G platform, it connects you to the cellular internet service (what ever you have subscribed to) and then uses WIFI to connect your devices like a TV or computer/laptop to that service.

    It is also called a gateway.
    Thanks Terryl
    So it is internet?
    It could be used instead of an internet provider?

  4. #4
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Gift received at 12-23-2012, 09:06 AM from ICEMAN
Message: thank you budTVCoffee makerPinkfloydthe travel gnomeTractor


    No you still need an internet provider, it won't work without one, I have AT&T 5G internet service, it works with what is called a hotspot, it picks up the AT&T 5G cellular service and sends it to my router my router then supply's the WIFI and LAN for the internet connections to my PC's.

    The Nokia 5G does the same thing, whatever cellular service you have could be used to supply internet service to the Nokia 5G, you would just have to set it up for that, this is usually done by going to whomever supply's you with your cell phones and buying one, then set up your service.

    One thing, they are not cheap.
    ♫♫♫ I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK ♫♫♫ I drink all night and sleep all day. ♫♫♫

    Coming soon to a crop circle near you.....

    There is a 66 and third % chance that I'm on the right planet...

    "I'm happier then a Jackalope in a balloon factory"

    "First rule of testing satellites"
    "If its working fine now, then don't mess with it"

    "Second rule of testing satellites"
    "If you did mess with it, and now it doesn't work, can you blame someone else?"

    "Third rule of testing satellites"
    "If you did mess with it, and it doesn't work now, and you can't blame someone else"
    "Can you HIDE it"?

  5. #5
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    Rogers is offering one of these for $50 a month $45 if you are a rogers customer
    Sunday I hooked one of these up and it works pretty good
    Much faster than my current internet supplier
    They have a 30 day trail, so I though I'd give it a go

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