My jynxbox is not getting any signal s=25% q=10% tried to reboot the box nothing. Should I start at switch and eliminate it to see if that's the problem check coax and so on and move toward the box from there until I get something?
My jynxbox is not getting any signal s=25% q=10% tried to reboot the box nothing. Should I start at switch and eliminate it to see if that's the problem check coax and so on and move toward the box from there until I get something?
Start with the dish, (moved some how ?) and work backwards to Box checking connections & such, disconnect switch
hook direct as well.
Put my old T5 on the sat and what limited channels that there are come in good strong signal and quality so I guess the jynx is toast or maybe just the module? can you still get modules for the jynx? I found a LS400 spare that I had have not looked to see if it's compatible?
Have a look here: hxxps:// sh=item4bdc369d9e:g:9WAAAOSwUalcD8lV&itmprp=enc%3A AQAJAAAA4Oe3LugnqVM1IySrL1Vtp%2FCDogOiEF5eqWl0oivD Xt3m7krEXwIQ7fuIT9PlTChEKVYYq4Lt2p0AxatXZKTnXUOwF5 AN8LbhfsStl%2Bx3lxa5x%2FMVsiCZpn7eb0g8HcJ6f2GjraV8 nlNXnruxBY3uE%2BM5EJgBEYyWrSBdOs5k%2B1NyL8jKgDkCPz dkLfj7JpV9ahKR6kSKAl6VaQ603hXcU%2FFW1F%2BoI4OOYDKm 4aUktgjjws88M1nw%2BsEzAz8JNynB9xDZ4n2qgAb0JI60zXlu NwML388ibrp1muK5IkmFbbKC%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8z6sP6bZA
Also on Amazon like DU said, just checked JB200 Module for the Jynxbox HD isn't it ?
Last edited by auggie; 07-23-2024 at 02:14 PM.
Just received a new JB200 module and upon replacement the box is up and working... this is strange because as long as I have been doing this I've never had a module go on me? but nevertheless I'm back in business. I have ordered a clone Jynkbox so I'm still hanging on for the service to continue (fingers crossed)
You need to have COOLING MEASURES in place (FANS) To dissipate the Heat Created from the JB200 & other components inside
Heat is a Killer to these FTA Boxes, What I did was get some USB Powered Fans where I can place them anywhere on the top
Cover sucking/blowing Hot air out & cooler air in keeping my Units Nice & Cool, No heat issues
Been there done that use a laptop cooler on the T5 and now on the Jynx hopefully keeps it cool enough
That laptop Cooler is not Going to "Cut-The-Mustard" for Cooling from below not enough air-Flow or extraction of hot air
off of the receiver. Better cooling with a CPU FAN or USB Portable Fans like the ones I use on ALL My Boxes.
I have a set of these: hxxps:// ekE961oJMwXaqhkuBMhWuVA6DUxRIkLR9FN3LWMhPEOuFDmq-rGDI1LglZIwFVE0zcTc2a96Q1kCayr2k_QvKBk9zAiKz9NijSs IY9a0wZdoye8BPGtgRukxqz5TL5OT-uY9y5TT2fmsk1xgy6zZdjtLZiLehxQM0Vu5t6XajCR5vExL3M0 WEZS33NRlY1fidMFbfI_KTCSwhwK6Xmff_uP8jnQxxiMm0K4YQ ryhSL2cx_RUHPtqG3b1n_DkYcI6-au_rdfZlEuYNGBN0Qepd7uvXY0WizJzCs45K58Uk.qPF5biY5d tWgnQnAY__-zJUr3x68MS7ECNtDT3PLFcE&dib_tag=se&keywords=usb%2B fans&qid=1723074093&sprefix=usb%2Bfans%2Caps%2C851 &sr=8-20&th=1
Last edited by auggie; 08-07-2024 at 11:45 PM.