The American government leaves you to make up your own mind.In Canada, the government made 6.4 billion from tobacco sales last year knowing it kills you, but hypocritically tells you not to a place.
I know that...but the government insists they be there.
It is expected that many countries will follow Canada's example and also adopt warnings on cigarettes, just as there are now 138 countries/territories that have required picture warnings on cigarette packages, following the Canadian precedent implemented in 2001.Apr 29, 2024. (cut & paste).
Last edited by The Noof; 12-05-2024 at 01:03 PM.
Contraband come in a plastic bag. lol
Im amazed with all the info available that ppl still smoke ciggs. ok the 85/90 yr old go for it, something else most likely get them first, but when I see a 20/25 yr old , I'm like, how can you be so stupid. Now I know the effects firsthand, my wife died (2 yrs ago) from stage 4 lung/brain cancer at 59, a 1 to 2 packs a day Marlboro red puffer.
In Canada in 2023, 289 people were killed by guns.In Canada in 2023, more than 20,000 people were killed by cigarette smoking caused lung cancer.In Canada, guns are being banned & taxes are being raised on cigarettes.Maybe they should ban cigarettes & raise the taxes on guns.