My dreamlink hd has died but I have an nfusion hd with hd module installed that I want to use. Can it be used and if so what is the best way to set it up. Any and all help greatly appreciated.
My dreamlink hd has died but I have an nfusion hd with hd module installed that I want to use. Can it be used and if so what is the best way to set it up. Any and all help greatly appreciated.
Start here bro:
Thanks for that. I recall something about a goo setup with a router. Does that still work if you know. Thanks.
To get nfusion HD running, you should first make sure to connect the receiver to a working power source and your TV. Then, you should change the TV's input settings to the correct HDMI port. After that, open your remote control and press the volume up and down button simultaneously for 3 seconds. This should allow you to access the nFusion HD main menu. From there, you can begin setting up and configuring your dish network satellite service as desired.
First why did the Dreamlink die, do you try a new power supply? The stock or factory one is junk, so try a new one.
Once you get the Nfusion hooked up and can see menu and have a signal you need to load the correct bin for North, see Noofs link.
Then you need a client that imitates the Suns server, Gooware is best and you can run it off a PC. Thing my buddy said is the NF would always disconnect from client and you had to bump channel.
Best to fix the Dreamlink, you battle is up hill with the NF.
Yes, I understand. But maybe my thoughts helped brakes find the right solution. LOL
I managed to fix my dreamlink power adapter did the trick. Thanks to those who chimed in to help.